Seamless Timecode Integration with Drone Show Software
These devices would typically include a PC with a Drone Show Software Timecode adapter and some type of audio playback device with Timecode synchronization capabilities.

This way, when an overseeing show manager is ready to start the show, he initializes the timecode. Then, the timecode generator device (DSS currently supports SMPTE or MIF4 timecode) starts generating the timecode, and the connected devices receive it.
A thing to note when using timecode with DSS is that the drone show cannot start at 0:00:00 by the timecode (only in case the timecode generator can start from negative time). DSS must receive the timecode first and only then can the operator set the show's start. This means that if the timecode starts at 0:00:00, we recommend the show to start no earlier than 0:04:00. In this case, when the timecode is started, the operator would confirm that the timecode is successfully received in DSS and then would set the start time of the show and upload it to the drones. Here the important part to keep in mind is that DSS must receive the timecode first and then at the moment of performing the “Set time” action, the timecode is converted to GPS time, which in turn is then sent to the drones and used as the actual reference for the start of the drone flight.

Timecode integration brings precise synchronization to multimedia performances. Drone Show Software leverages this technology to align drone movements with music and other audio-visual elements, ensuring a flawless show. This article explores the steps for integrating DSS with MIF4 timecode and audio playback software, including practical configuration examples.